UPDATE: Eldos’ Struggles Continue

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Last fall, we reported that Eldos Satar Uluu—a young Kyrgyz man—was attacked by three radical Muslim men who tried to force him to convert back to Islam. He sustained severe physical injuries and suffered emotional trauma. Since the attack Eldos has continued to receive violent threats from people in his village, reportedly including high ranking officials.

Recently, there was a trial in Eldos’ case. Tragically, the trial did not focus on holding these men accountable for their violent attack. Instead, Eldos was accused of listening to loud religious music and distributing religious materials and religious propaganda.

To make matters worse, the Christian attorney who has been helping Eldos since the beginning of his case also had a heart attack during the trial and is currently hospitalized. She initially tried to stay up to date on what was going on in court by using her phone, however, the police eventually confiscated the device.

Please pray Eldos’ faith will be strengthened and that he will grow deeper in his knowledge of Christ. He is very new to his faith.

Pray for the health and safety of Eldos’ attorney.

Pray a safe place for Eldos to live would be found quickly.

Pray there would be justice in Eldos’ court case.

After you click “Pray” below, if you’d like to write Eldos a letter of encouragement, please CLICK HERE.

*Representative names and photos are sometimes used to protect identity.

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